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Craft job ads that are compelling, engaging and inclusive

Make your job ads neutral and unbiased

Get a breakdown of every occurrence of gender, racial, disability, and age biased words, including a gender tone meter that tells you whether your job ad is more masculine or feminine-coded.

Eliminate insensitive, incorrect, and outdated identity words

The Inclusive Writing Tool will help you mitigate bias by providing you with the correct and appropriate terms and phrases to refer to underrepresented individuals, which ensure that you’re not using any sexist, racist, ableist, or ageist terms in your job ads.

Reduce the presence of subtle language and phrasing that is off putting for candidates

Our algorithm helps you identify language that have subtle and underlying biases that are deterring for women, BIPOC (Black, Indegenous, and other people of color) individuals, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Increase the presence of inclusive and inviting language in your job ad

Receive insight on the components of your existing job ads that already convey inclusivity, and learn how to increase the presence of inclusive themes.

Create a job ad with an inviting and welcoming tone

Our tone detector will alert you when your tone is too tense or formal. It will provide you with suggestions on how to soften the tone of your job ad and incorporate more approachable language.

Receive a performance prediction metric

Receive an inclusion score, which indicates the overall inclusion level of your job ad and how likely it is to appeal to underrepresented candidates. Job ads with scores over 85 have substantially higher apply rates and lower cost per application.